1. GardenOfLove Terms of ServicesSOFTWARE GENESIS GROUP LIMITED a company registered in England under the company number 12273882 whose registered office is Suite 115, Devonshire House Manor Way, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, England, WD6 1QQ (SOFTWARE GENESIS GROUP, ‘we’, ‘us’, or ‘our’) operates and controls the GardenOfLove websites www.gardenoflove.net and also its applications (which are referred to as “Platform”), together with our software, and connected online and off-site services (which are referred to as “Service”). The GardenOfLove is a social network created to connect people to support each other for good cause.
The followings are the terms of the contract between you and GardenOfLove which will be called “Terms of Service”. It explains how we provide our services to you and how and under what conditions you can use these services. Please read the “Terms of Service” very carefully. Please also read our Cookies Policy,Privacy Policy as well as our Community Guidelines.
2. GeneralGardenOfLove is designed to offer a forum for connecting individuals and entities to be in contact with each other so that love can grow and be nourished. Under the following terms, through our Platforms and Services, individuals as well as nonprofit organizations and charities (together non- profit organizations, NPOs) are able not only to connect with each other but also to donate and raise funds. Please remember that for the moment, this service is only limited to individuals and NPOs who reside in the United Kingdom.
1.1.What is Terms of Service
The “Terms of Service” is a legally binding contract between us,SOFTWARE GENESIS GROUP LIMITED a company registered in England under the company number 12273882 whose registered office is at Suite 115, Devonshire House Manor Way, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, England, WD6 1QQ as operator and controller of the GardenOfLove Platforms and Services, and you, as the user of our Platforms and Services. The “Terms of Service” determines and defines how our Platforms and Services can be used and what are the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of each side of the contract.
1.2. When Are You Bound by the “Terms of Service”?
By clicking on “sign up”, “join now” or any similar ways of registering, as well as visiting, accessing or using our Platforms and Services you agree and accept the “Terms of Service” and enter into a binding contract with us. In other words, this Terms of Service applies equally to Users and Visitors.
When you sign up to our Platform and join our Services, you become a User. If you do not join in, you can see some of our features as “Visitors”.
1.3. The Scope of Applicability of “Terms of Service”
This Terms of Services applies to all our Platforms which include our websites Community Guidelines, and also our applications, as well as all our Services which include our software, and connected online and off-site services, irrespective of how you access them.
1.4. Minimum Age
Our Platform and Services are not designed for, or intentionally targeted at, anyone with 18 years of age or younger. If you are 18 years old or younger, you are not authorized to use GardenOfLove platforms and services.
.5. Changes in “Terms of Service”
We reserve the right, at our own sole discretion, to modify and change any part of these Terms of Service at any time without any notice. Upon any change, the new Terms of Service will be posted on this page indicating the date of its adoption. Please remember that the updated Terms of Service will not be applied retroactively.
By continuing to use or access our Platforms and Services after the date of such a change, you accept the updated Terms of Service. If you do not agree with the new changes, you can delete your account.
1.6. Key Definitions
Below you can find the key definitions of the vocabulary we use to better understand our Terms of Service:
Users: All individuals and non-profit organizations who are account holders in our Platforms.
Individuals: Any real person who signs up in GardenOfLove Platforms
Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs): Nonprofit organizations as well as charities that are registered under English law and are authorized to act according to their mandate.
Fundraiser: Any User, individual or NPO, who creates a Fundraising Campaign
Eligibility Criteria: The process of verification of the identity and the legal capacity of the NPO Fundraiser
Eligibility Criteria: The process of verification of the identity and the legal capacity of the NPO Fundraiser
Fundraising campaign: The fundraising plan of each Community Member
GardenOfLove Objectives: The main goals for which our Platforms and Services can be used to raise funds. These goals are exclusively the followings:
Art And culture
Education, Science and Technology
Public and Social services
Human services
International, foreign affairs
Religion related
Economic Development
Donors: Any User who make a Donation to a Fundraising Campaign.
Donation: Contribution of any User to a Fundraising Campaign.
Total Donation: The final amount that is donated by Users.
Fundraising Goal: The minimum amount of Donations sought by a Fundraiser
Fundraising Duration: The maximum period during which Donations can be made.
Payment Processor: A third-party payment processing partner of the GardenOfLove that processes all theDonations to a Fundraising Campaign. Please take note that GardenOfLove is NOT a payment processor and does not hold any funds.
Tip: An amount paid during Donations by Users to GardenOfLove for improving its features and services.
3. Accessing and Using GardenOfLove Platforms and ServicesAnyone can access GardenOfLove sign-up page, however, to benefit and use our Services in full you will need to register or sign up and become a User.
If you sign up as an individual, you must be at least 18 years of age or higher and you should not be banned by any court decision from being in contact with other Users through social media.
If you sign up as an NPO, you must provide evidence that you are incorporated and or established according to the applicable law in the United Kindom, that according to such laws you are considered as an NPO and that you are not banned or suspended by such laws from conducting your activities.
You are not authorized to access and use our Platforms and Services for conducting any illegal act according to the applicable law; to conduct any acts that violate the rights of others and our rights including the intellectual property rights, for conducting acts that endanger the security of our Platforms and Services or of our Users; for spreading and using any false information including impersonating any person or entity, and for violating our Community Guidelines
You agree and warrant that it is your sole responsibility to comply with all the applicable laws and regulations as well as our policies in using our Platforms and Services, including setting up a Fundraising Campaign. Also,all the content you share, post, upload, send or in any way use is considered to be yours and you are the sole responsible for the way the content was shared.
We reserve our right, at our sole discretion, to remove your content or to suspend or disable your access and use at any time and without prior notice. If your account is suspended or deleted by us, you are not authorized to use our Platforms and Services unless we give you a written authorization to resume your use. You agree and warrant that we share your information with official authorities, if requested by law, or by law-enforcement authorities or a regulatory or government authority investigating allegations of illegal activities while you are using our Services, to protect the rights, property, or safety of us, our Users, or others, in accordance with our Privacy Policy
4. Your AccountYou can create an account on the Sign-up page. You can also create your account by linking your Gmail orFacebook account to the GardenOfLove. (To know what kind of information we get from your synced account,please visit our Privacy Policy.) Whatever method you use to register on our Platforms you will be asked to provide us with further information as well as your consent to these Terms of Service. By successfully registering on our Platforms, you become a GardenOfLove User.
For the registration, you should provide information that is true, accurate, current, and complete. In the case of any change in your personal details such as a change of address, you should update your account.
In addition, in creating and using your account, you agree to 1) choose a strong password for your account; 2)not transfer your account to another person; and 3) follow the applicable laws as well as our Community Guidelines. Anything that happens through your account is deemed to be done by you and, therefore, you are responsible for all these activities unless you report misuse by sending us an *email*.
In the event you violate the Terms of Service, including our Community Guidelines or when we have reasons to believe that you have violated them, we reserve our right to temporarily suspend or completely close your account, or/and delete what you have shared on our Platforms and Services.
5. Fundraising Campaign4.1. Creating a campaign
This section explains how you can use our Platforms and Services to create a Fundraising Campaign and what isour role in this process.
4.1.1 Our Role
We provide you with an online forum where all the members of our community, Users, can meet and connect. OurPlatforms and Services are also aimed to facilitate fundraising and Donations for campaigns that fall within the main Objectives of the GardenOfLove.In some circumstances, and under special conditions, we may agree to advertise certain campaigns or to raise awareness of about such campaigns, but these steps do not mean in any way that we are at any stage or at any form engaged or have a role in the Fundraising Campaign, endorse any Fundraising Campaign, or involve in any way in the way the Donations are used.From time to time, we may share with our Users, some hints on fundraising based on successful FundraisingCampaigns using our Platforms and Services. These hints, however, cannot be understood in any way as providing any form of solicitation neither for the Fundraising Campaign nor for Donations, nor on behalf of any individual, or NPOs.In accessing and using our Platforms and Services, you understand and agree that GardenOfLove is not responsible for the use of your Donations, or the number of funds raised for the User or Fundraiser.
4.1.2. What We Are Not
We are not a charitable entity. From each Donation, we receive a percentage that helps us to maintain ourPlatform and Services.We are not and cannot be understood as being a Broker, Financial Institution, Financial Advisor, Tax Advisor,Agent, or so on and our activities cannot be understood as acting any kind of representation on behalf of any person. We only provide and administer an online forum for facilitating contacts and fundraising among members of our community, Users.We do not have any involvement in any phase of fundraising from creating a Fundraising Campaign to the use ofDonations. While we may check them from time to time the Fundraising Campaigns to make sure that they do not violate the Terms of Service, and while we require Fundraiser to provide minimum required documents about their personality, we are not and cannot be considered responsible either for credibility of the fundraiser, the nature and quality of the Fundraising Campaign, or its objective. We do not and cannot guarantee that theFundraisers will use the Donations in the way described in the Fundraising Campaign or in accordance with the applicable law.When you decide to Donate to a Fundraising Campaign, you understand and agree that all Donations are made at your own risk. You understand and agree that it is your responsibility to verify the credibility of theFundraisers and Fundraising Campaign as well as to know how your money will be used. GardenOfLove is not and cannot be considered responsible for any information, promise, offer or proposal that is made using ourPlatforms and Services. We do not and cannot verify the information provided by our Users.By accessing and using our Platforms and Services you understand and agree with GardenOfLove disclaiming all liability to the fullest extent possible and permissible over the conduct of its Users or the information provided on or through GardenOfLove Platforms and Services. We expressly disclaim any liability or responsibility for the outcome or success of any Fundraiser.We cannot guarantee the reliability and accuracy of any information or content that is available on or shared through our Platforms and Services. Please bear in mind that NO content is aimed to provide you with legal, financial, text or any other professional advice. By accessing and using our Platforms and Services you understand and agree that all the information and content are at your own risk and that it is your responsibility to consult with professional advisors about your use of ourPlatforms and Services.If you have reasons to believe that fraudulent or illegal activity is taking place in any phase of the fundraising project including the creation of Fundraising Campaign for the use of the Donations, please report this by clicking on the Report button which is available for each post. We take all these reports very seriously.We reserve the right, at our own discretion, to suspend or close an account or a Fundraising Campaign. But even if such a step is taken, the Donation you have already made is done at your own risk and therefore cannot be returned to you.
4.2. Fundraiser
In order to create a Fundraising Campaign, you have to first become a User. Depending on whether you are creating a campaign as an individual or as a representative of an NPO you need to follow different procedures to be recognized as eligible to create your campaign.
4.2.1. NPOs
At the moment, while all NPOs can become Users following the conditions mentioned above in Article 2, only thoseNPOs can set up a Fundraising Campaign whose status has been confirmed by our payment processor, Stripe, Inc.Once we receive a confirmation about your status, you can set up your Fundraising Campaign. Please remember that when you want to set up a Fundraising Campaign for an NPO you agree, confirm, and warrant that you are the representative of the NPO authorized 1) to raise funds for that NPO and 2) bind the NPO to these Terms ofServices. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Fundraising Campaign falls within the mandate and objective of the NPO, and it does not violate any rules, regulations, bylaws and so on applicable to your NPOs.In particular, you agree, acknowledge and warrant that your NPO is not banned from fundraising and that it abides by all applicable laws including registration obligations at competent authorities and financial and tax laws and regulations.
4.3. General Conditions of Your Fundraising Campaign
1. We are here to help you in supporting and caring for each other. For this purpose, you should not set up anyFundraising Campaign that any element of it including, but not limited to, its nature, purpose, or beneficiary is illegal under the United Kingdom law and any other applicable law according to you or your beneficiary’ splace of residence, nationality, etc.2. You should not set up any Fundraising Campaign that in any way may violate this Terms of Service in general and our Community Guidelines in particular.3. You are allowed to raise funds at the same time via other platforms.4. You are allowed to have more than one project at the same time.5. While there is no mandatory time limit for your Fundraising Campaign’s duration to receive Donations, by default a time limit of 2 months is set for all the Fundraising Campaign. You can change this time according to your needs.6. Each time you want to create a Fundraising Campaign, you will be asked to determine the amount you aim to gather for your campaign, called ‘Fundraising goal’. While this amount will be used to show your friends and contacts how much donations you have received, it will not bar further donations if such donation is made during the period when your campaign remains open.7. When you submit your Fundraising Campaign, it will take up time to be published on our Platforms. We do our best to publish your campaign as soon as possible. Once the Fundraising Campaign is submitted, you cannot change your Fundraising Campaign’s Goal, and the Fundraising goal.8. In describing your Fundraising Campaign, you must ensure to provide information that are correct, accurate and not misleading. It is your responsibility to make sure that the content you are uploading on our Platforms and by using our Services are correct and belongs to you and you have the right to share them publicly. If the content does not belong to you or information about others can be found in the content you have uploaded, you must make sure that you have the right or written consent to use such information and to share them publicly and that in any case such content is neither protected by copyrights nor violates the other rights of third parties.Please be informed that by uploading your content on our Platforms, you give the GardenOfLove a nonexclusive,worldwide, royalty free, fully paid up, transferable, sublicensable, perpetual, irrevocable license to use,modify, reproduce, publish, broadcast, display and distribute the content you shared in any format, using any medium, for the purpose of promoting GardenOfLove or operating, developing and providing our Platforms andServices in any form, medium or technology now known or later developed.9. You must make sure to use all the Donations solely for the purpose described in your Fundraising Campaign.10. In case certain personal information of Donors is shared with you as Fundraiser, you become a separate controller of that personal data for the purposes of data protection and privacy laws and GardenOfLove has no responsibility when you use such data for your own purposes. In using such information, you should make sure that you comply with all applicable laws in relation to the use of that information.11. You must make sure to respond promptly and accurately to inquiries, questions or clarifications about yourFundraising Campaign raised by us or donors.12. In case you realize that it is not possible to achieve your Fundraising Campaign’s objectives for whatever reason, contact promptly your Donors to find a satisfactory solution including refunding the donated amount. For the unanimous donations, we may act as an intermediary, but this will be done only for the purpose of communicating your messages and therefore does not and cannot be considered as having any responsibility in the relation between you and the anonymous donors.13. You cannot provide or offer to provide goods or services in exchange for Donations.14. You make sure to abide by all the applicable rules including the tax law and any obligations regarding financial reporting.15. You make sure to cooperate fully without any reserve or limitation with us in a case where official investigation, audit, or any other inquiry by authorities are carried out.
4.4. Donations
When you donate to any Fundraising Campaign, please bear in mind that all Donations are at your own risk. It is your responsibility to check the credibility of the Fundraiser and to know how your money will be used. As yourDonation will be carried out immediately by our payment processor, once your Donation is made it will be nonrefundable. By clicking Donate, you agree with and accept the conditions of a Fundraiser as stated and,therefore, you are not allowed to impose any restrictions on the use of Donations. You agree and acknowledge that your Donation does not entitle you to any kind of right in relation to the Fundraising Campaign.When you donate to a Fundraising Campaign, you can also choose to support our endeavor by paying Tip to us. This is a voluntary contribution from your side to promote the cause we care for: helping others. We will use this amount for developing and improving our Services and Platforms.Please remember that GardenOfLove is not and cannot be considered responsible for any information, promise,offer, proposal, and so on that is made using our Platforms and Services. We do not and cannot verify the information provided by our Users.Nevertheless, we take very seriously your reports when you have reasons to believe that fraudulent or illegal activity is taking place in any phase of the Fundraising Campaign including the creation of a FundraisingCampaign, to the use of the Donations. Please report such incidents by clicking on the Report button that is available on every post, including Fundraising Campaign’s post.It is your responsibility to consult your tax advisor to know whether your Donation is tax deductible or not. No information or content shared on our Platforms or using our Services can be understood as providing you with alegal, financial, tax or any other professional advice. We cannot guarantee the reliability and accuracy of any information or content that is available on or shared through our Platforms and Services. By accessing and usingour Platforms and Services you understand and agree that all the information and content are at your own risk and that it is your responsibility to consult with professional advisors about your use of our Platforms andServices. GardenOfLove will have no liability for any claim related to the Donation you have made by any official authority, including the tax authorities.Please remember that by default and subject to our Privacy Policy, certain personal information of you will be shared with the Fundraiser unless you decide to remain anonymous.Please remember that the Fundraiser may use this information for promoting its campaign. In other words, theFundraiser will become a separate controller of your personal data independent from us. In any case, Garden OfLove has no responsibility in regard to how this information may be used by the Fundraiser.If you decide to donate anonymously, we still collect the donated amount, your username, the Fundraising Campaign info that you have donated to, your address and your payment card information, such as the card’ snumber and type. Please remember that We DO NOT save your card’s sensitive data, such as CVV2 or ExpirationDate. For further information see our Privacy Policy
4.5. Transaction Fees
There are no fees for becoming a User in the GardenOfLove nor for setting up a Fundraising Campaign.Nevertheless, please keep in mind that from each Donation, a transaction fee will be deducted. Please check our*Fee* page which forms part of this Terms of Services to know how much will be deducted from each donation.
4.6. Tax
GardenOfLove has no responsibility regarding the tax you must pay for the Donations you have received using our Platforms and Services. You agree, accept and warrant that is your sole responsibility to determine what, if any, amount of tax and other fees (including income tax and VAT or similar taxes) you should pay based on theDonations you have received and to report that to the competent authorities.
6. Messages and NoticesYou agree that we can send you notices and messages in relation to our Services and Platforms either by using our own Services or by using the contact information you have provided. For this purpose, you agree to keep your contact information always up to date.
7. Sharing Content and InformationAll the Users of GardenOfLove can send messages to each other and share information in many ways such as posting or sharing a link. Such content can be seen by other Users. You can limit who can see your content or posts, such as your profile information, bio info, cover photo, your posts, connection lists and so on based on the available settings.Your Fundraising Campaign, by default, will be visible to all the Users. You can change your audience in Privacy section of your account setting. Please remember that we have no obligation to publish your information and content or to keep it always on our Platforms and Services. We reserve our right, at our own discretion, to remove your content at any time without notice.By accessing and using our Platforms and Services you agree and acknowledge that GardenOfLove is not and shall not be liable for any claim in relation to the information and content that is shared on our Platforms or through our Services, including but not limited to violation of your privacy.You agree and warrant that all the information and content that you share belong to you and in the case content or information about others can be found in the content you have uploaded or shared, you must make sure that you have the right or written consent to use such information and to share them publicly and that in any case such content is neither protected by copyrights nor violates the other rights of third parties.In sharing the information and content you agree and warrant to always comply with the applicable laws, this Terms of Services and, in particular, our Community Guidelines.
8. Who can use your content?You always own the information and the content you share and the use of our Platforms and Services does not affect your right. But when you post or share any information or content on our Platforms and through our Services, you give GardenOfLove a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free, fully paid up, transferable, sub-licensable, perpetual, irrevocable license to use, modify, reproduce, process, publish, broadcast, display and distribute the content you shared in any format, using any medium, for the purpose of promoting GardenOfLove or operating, developing and providing our Platforms and Services in any form, medium or technology now known or later developed.You also grant all the Users who can see your posts and content, non- exclusive, worldwide, and royalty free license to use, modify, reproduce, publish, reshare or repost your content by using the features of our Platform and subject to our Platform settings.As you are the owner of your content, you can always end our license and the license of the Users to specific content by deleting your content or deleting your account. This, however, does not affect 1) our obligation to store or process your content when required by law as explained in our Privacy Policy , ; and 2) the reasonable time that it takes to delete or remove your content from our backup.By accessing and using our Platforms and Services, you agree that we can access, store and process your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. When you send us in any way your suggestions, feedback, ideas or report an issue, you agree that we can use and share this information freely for operating, developing, and improving and providing our Platforms and Services.
9. Contents, Links and Applications of OthersIt may happen that in using our Services and Platforms you see information and contents that are misleading, false, incomplete, illegal or against our Community Guidelines .You are aware and agree that GardenOfLove does neither review nor control the content that is shared through its Platforms and Services, and that we are not responsible for information and contents that our Users share. You also know and agree that any use of information available on our Platforms and Services is at your own risk. By using our Platforms and Services, you also acknowledge and accept any risk such as when others share incorrect information about you.It may happen that our Users share contents that include links or application of third parties. The inclusion of a third party’s link or application on our Platforms and Services does not mean that we endorse such content or that we have or can be considered to have any responsibility in regard to such content.
10. Using our Services and PlatformsYou can use our Platforms and Services to connect and interact with other Users, to share and create your own content, to create a Fundraising Campaign and to donate to a campaign of others. In using our Service and Platforms, you agree and warrant to always comply with the applicable laws, including but not limited to privacy laws, tax laws and intellectual property laws, this Terms of Services and, in particular, our Community Guidelines.In particular, in using our Services and Platforms, in any event, must not:
Do anything illegal.
Do any harm to others.
Violate any laws or regulations against money laundering, counter terrorism and economic sanctions.
Violate the rights of the others, as well as the rights of GardenOfLove, including but not limited to intellectual property rights.
Share offensive, racist, defamatory, misleading or deceptive content.
Disclose any information about the others without the consent of the owners.
Provide false, inaccurate information about your identity or misrepresent your identity.
Violate or undermine the operation, safety, security or integration of our Platforms and Services, and ourUsers, including but not limited to sharing anything that contains malware, viruses, worms, or any other harmful code.
Try to reverse engineer, de compile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Services or any related technology that is not open source.
Try to bypass the network firewall.
Try to interfere with the proper working of our Platforms and Services, through any method including but not limited to spam, and denial of service attack.
Try to access any part of our Services or Platforms that you are not permitted to access.
Use bots or other automated methods to access our Platforms and Services, add or download contacts, send or redirect messages.
Simulating the appearance or function of our Platforms and Services, through ant way or method including but not limited to mirroring.
Overlay or otherwise modify our Platforms and Services or their appearance.
11. ReportingWe cannot review and control the content shared by our Users, however, we take very seriously your concerns if you believe that an activity violating this Terms of Service is carried out.If you believe in good faith that there is a violation of intellectual property, please click here or submit a communication to us including the following information:
An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyrightinterest;
A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;
A description specifying the location on our website of the material that you claim is infringing;
Your email address and your mailing address and/or telephone number;
A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf.
If you believe in good faith that there is a violation of our Terms of Service, please click here or submit acommunication to us including the following information:
Your physical or electronic signature;
A description of the act that you find to be a violation of applicable laws, regulations or this Term ofServices;
A description specifying the location on our Platform of the material that you claim is violating;
Your email address and your mailing address and/or telephone number;
A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that you find the content in violation of Terms ofServices; and
A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notice is accurate.
If you have reasons to believe that fraudulent or illegal activity is taking place in any phase of Fundraising campaign including the creation of a Fundraising campaign of the use of the Donations, please report this by clicking on this link or submitting a communication to us including the following information:
12. Change in our Services and PlatformsWe do our best to keep our Platforms and Services functional, but we cannot promise that our Services and Platforms remain always in its current form. At any time, we may discontinue, change, or suspend any or all our Services or features on our Platform Please also remember that GardenOfLove is not a storage space. Except for what is mentioned in our Privacy Policy as well as prescribed by law, we do not promise to keep your information and content, and you cannot ask us to keep a copy of information you have shared, or others have shared about you. You acknowledge that we reserve our rights to delete information or to suspend or terminate any account with or without any notice. You also acknowledge and agree that we have no responsibility and face no liability to you or any third party for any claims, damage, costs or resulting therefrom.
13. Copyrights and Intellectual Property RightsThe name GardenOfLove (, the logo and any other names and graphic that we use for our Services are trademark, registered trademark, or service marks of GardenOfLove. GardenOfLove reserves all its intellectual property rights in relation to its Platforms and Services and nothing in these Terms of Service can be construed as waiving, or granting, by implication or otherwise, any consent, license or right to use any of GardenOfLove trademarks and service marks.
14. TerminationGardenOfLove reserves its rights to suspend or terminate your access and your account at any time without any notice. You can also terminate this agreement by deleting your account. Upon termination, you cannot access or use our Services anymore. Yet, the following information will remain even after termination:
Information mentioned in Article 7 of this Terms of Service.
Your feedback and reports that you have shared with us.
15. Disclaimer and Limit of LiabilityYou agree that your use of our Platforms and Services is on an "as is" and "as available" basis. GardenOfLove neither gives any warranty nor guarantees expressly, impliedly, or otherwise about its Platforms and Services, including uninterrupted or secure access and use. Our Platforms and Services may be interrupted, unavailable or face errors due to reasons out of control. Also, our Platforms and Services may be unavailable from time to time for maintenance reasons. To the fullest extent possible and permissible under applicable law, GardenOfLove disclaims any kind of warranty, expressly, impliedly, or otherwise, in regard to the data and content available and shared on or through our Platforms and Services. You agree and acknowledge that the access and use of our Platforms and Services is at you own sole risk.To the fullest extent possible under applicable law, GardenOfLove has no liability for any direct or indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages or losses related to any business of yours including but not limited to loss of data, profession, profit, revenue, savings, opportunity, reputation, goodwill, any pure or economic loss or any other damage. Yet, we do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. You will always have the full protection of the laws that apply to you. In other words, nothing in this Terms of Service may affect your rights that according to law cannot be waived, modified or changed by contract.GardenOfLove’s aggregate liability to you in connection with this agreement shall not exceed greater than, a) if a donation is made, the total amount that you have donated in the last 12 months or b) if no Donation is paid, £100.
16. IndemnityBy accessing and using our Platforms and Services, you agree and acknowledged to abide by this Terms of Service, and that you will defend, indemnify, and hold us harmless (and our personnel, affiliates, officers, agents and suppliers) from and against any claims, losses, and expenses including legal fees arising from or relating to your use of our Services and Platforms and that you will compensate us in full for any damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees we incur that arise out of any breach by you of these Term of Service, even if your account is been used by somebody else.
17. Applicable law and Disputes SettlementThis Terms of Service and any claims related to your use of GardenOfLove Platforms and Services will be governed by English law. This does not exclude the application of mandatory legal obligations that will be applicable to our Services depending on your country of residence.Any disputes arising from or related to this Terms of Service should be first resolved amicably. For this purpose, you acknowledge and agree to try to resolve the dispute informally by sending us notice at please add email which includes at the least your name, a description of the dispute, your reasons and the relief you seek.If we are unable to resolve a dispute within 60 days from the day we receive your notification, all disputes arising out of or in connection with the present agreement shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one arbitrator appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The place of arbitration will be London. The language of the arbitration will be English.
18. General Provisions17.1. If any part of these Term of Service is found to be unenforceable or void as a matter of law, all other parts of this Term of Service will not be affected and shall remain in force.17.2. This Terms of Service (including additional terms that you will be provided when you use some features of our Services) governs the totality of our relationship with you, is the only agreement between us and supersedes all prior agreements between us.17.3. We cannot be considered to be in breach of this contract if our failure or delay in performing our obligations under this Terms of Services are affected by force majeurs events including, but not limited to, fire, flood and other natural disasters, strikes, disruption to energy supplies, acts of terrorism or war.17.4. If we do not act upon your breach of this Terms of Service, it cannot be construed in any way that we have waived our rights to remedies at a later stage to enforce this agreement.17.5. You cannot transfer or assign this agreement to anyone else without our consent. Yet, you agree and acknowledge that we may assign this agreement, Terms of Services, without your consent to a third party as our substitute.17.6. This agreement does not create any right or license or benefit for any third party.17.7. you agree that the only way to provide us legal notice is at the addresses provided in Article 14.
19. Contact usGardenOfLove company incorporated in England. Our registered office address is Suite 115, Devonshire House Manor Way, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, England, WD6 1QQ . For contacts through email, please send your communications to Info@sggc.co Our registered company number is 12273882.