1. license-agreement.titles.guidelinesSOFTWARE GENESIS GROUP LIMITED a company registered in England under the company number 12273882 whose registered office is Suite 115, Devonshire House Manor Way, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, England, WD6 1QQ (SOFTWARE GENESIS GROUP, ‘we’, ‘us’, or ‘our’) operates and controls the GardenOfLove websites www.gardenoflove.net and also its mobile applications (which are referred to as “Platform”), together with our software, and connected online and off-site services (which are referred to as “Service”). The GardenOfLove is a social network created to connect people to support each other for good cause.
By downloading, installing, opening, or using this Application for Android, IOS or any other platform ("Application"), you agree to be bound by this GardenOfLove Application License Agreement ("License Agreement").
This is a binding agreement between you, as an individual or NPO, and GardenOfLove only. You agree and acknowledge that that downloading, installing, opening, or using this Application means that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this License Agreement.
The Application that is provided to you under this License Agreement is solely for your personal, non-commercial use.
2. What is this Application?This Application is a software that you can download on your mobile to access GardenOfLove Platforms and Services by any device supported by us. You can access the Application’s content and functionality only if you have associated it with your GardenOfLove account.
3. lLicenseGardenOfLove grants you, subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, a personal, limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use this Application only for your personal use on the mobile that you own or control. In using this Application, you may not:
modify, copy, publish, or make any derivates from this Application or any software linked to this Application.
icense, sell, lease, assign, disclose, distribute or otherwise transfer or make available, this Application or your rights to this Application.
use this Application in violation of any applicable laws and regulations or in violations of this License Agreement as well as the Garden Of Terms of Service .
modify, alter, translate, prepare derivative works from, decompile, reverse- engineer, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive source code from this Application.
GardenOfLove reserves its rights to terminate your right to use this Application if you violate any provision of this License Agreement.
4. Intellectual PropertyGardenOfLove owns, or is the licensee to, all right (including without limitation intellectual property rights), title and interest in and to this Application. This License Agreement does not in any way affect or limit these rights, title and interest except for those rights that are expressly granted under this License Agreement.
5. Your Personal InformationGardenOfLove deals with your personal information that will be collected by using this Application in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.
6. Disclaimer and Limit of LiabilityYou agree that your use of the Application is on an "as is" and "as available" basis. GardenOfLove neither gives any warranty nor guarantees expressly, impliedly, or otherwise about its Application, including uninterrupted or secure access and use. Our Application may be interrupted, unavailable or face errors due to reasons out of control. Also, our Application may be unavailable from time to time for maintenance reasons. To the fullest extent possible and permissible under applicable law, GardenOfLove disclaims any kind of warranty, expressly, impliedly, or otherwise, in regard to the data and content available and shared on or through our Application. You agree and acknowledge that the access and use of our Application is at you own sole risk.
To the fullest extent possible under applicable law, GardenOfLove has no liability for any direct or indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages or losses related to any business of yours including but not limited to loss of data, profession, profit, revenue, savings, opportunity, reputation, goodwill, any pure or economic loss or any other damage. Yet, we do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. You will always have the full protection of the laws that apply to you. In other words, nothing in this Terms of Services may affect your rights that according to law cannot be waived, modified or changed by contract.
GardenOfLove’s aggregate liability to you in connection with this License Agreement shall not exceed greater than, a) if a donation is made, the total amount that you have donated in the last 12 months or b) if no Donation is paid, £100.
7. IndemnityBy using our Application, you agree and acknowledged to abide by this License Agreement, and that you will defend, indemnify, and hold us harmless (and our personnel, affiliates, officers, agents and suppliers) from and against any claims, losses, and expenses including legal fees arising from or relating to your use of our Services and Platforms and that you will compensate us in full for any damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees we incur that arise out of any breach by you of License Agreement, even if your account is been used by somebody else.
8. Change and TerminationGardenOfLove reserves its right to discontinue, change, or suspend any or all of the features of the Application, at any time with or without notice. You and GardenOfLove may terminate this License Agreement at any time with or without any notice.
9. General Terms9.1. Applicable law and dispute settlement mechanism for this License Agreement is subject to our Terms of Services.
9.2. If any part of this License Agreement is found to be unenforceable or void as a matter of law, all other parts of License Agreement will not be affected and shall remain in force.
9.3. If we do not act upon your breach of this License Agreement, it cannot be construed in any way that we have waived our rights to remedies at a later stage to enforce this Agreement.
9.4. You cannot transfer or assign this License Agreement to anyone else without our consent. Yet, you agree and acknowledge that we may assign this License Agreement without your consent to a third party as our substitute.
9.5. This agreement does not create any right or license or benefit for any third party.